PTCL Premium Number Service
Hold your seats now. You can get an amazing opportunity to get Platinum or Golden numbers with Cordless sets through PTCL Premium Number service with increased memorability. Premium number service includes numbering range which comprise of 3 -4-5 consecutive digits which are exclusively suitable for customers who want one premium family number for their home which is easy to remember and ear pleasing. This also gives comfort to your callers as they don’t have to remember complex and more commonly used numbers.
Package Tariff:
•Platinum package @ Rs 15,000
•Golden package @ Rs 10,000
•Rs. 2000 charges to be billed through first monthly bill for both categories
•Same installation fee and line rent charges
Order Line:
This service can be acquired by calling 0800 80 800 helpline or through walk-in channels.
Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs
1. Who can avail Premium Number Service?
Ans: All the customers who want to have new PTCL landline connection and are interested to get the Platinum or Golden numbers.
2. What are service charges?
Ans: If customer opts for Platinum number, then he/she will be charged @ Rs15000 (Cost for Platinum number + Cordless). In case of Golden number, he/she will be charges@ Rs 10,000 (Cost for Golden number+ Cordless). Rs. 2000 charges to be billed through first monthly bill for both categories
3. How to avail this service?
Ans: By calling 0800 8 0800 helpline or through Walk-In channels (from designated list of OSS).
4. Can existing PTCL customers acquire this service?
Ans: No. This service would be applicable on only new telephone connection requests. Existing customers can opt for secondary PTCL landline in order to avail this service.
5. Can I suggest my own number for Premium number service?
Ans: No.
6. Is it necessary for me to get the Cordless Set after getting the PTCL landline number? What if I don't?
Ans: Yes. This is a new telephone connection (NTC) promotion bundled with Cordless sets. In bundled services you cannot select one and leave the other offer.
7. Are there any additional charges for Premium Number Service?
Ans: There are two packages “Platinum Number”@ @ Rs15000 (Cost for Platinum number + Cordless) and Golden Number @ Rs10,000 (Cost for Golden number + Cordless). Rs. 2000 charges to be billed through first monthly bill for both categories
8. Will I surely get the Platinum/Golden number selected during the order entry time?
Ans: Every new telephone request in PTCL under goes a resource confirmation/ feasibility process, if that is clear then you will surely get the desired number which is selected at the time of order taking.
9. How much time it will take to get my PTCL Landline installed at my premises?
Ans: At least seven days. Its depends on the area customer is in and the feasibility report.
10. How to acquire Cordless set and where to deposit the set charges?
Ans: Once the landline is installed and you get the External Construction worksheet order form from the customer support representative. You will take this form to specific PTCL One Stop Shop (OSS) as informed by the CSR during the Order taking time.
11. I have lost the External Construction Work order form, how do I get Cordless now?
Ans: You can visit specific PTCL One Stop Shop (OSS) as informed by the CSR during the Order taking time and request for cordless set.
12. My neighbor doesn’t have any PTCL landline number. What to do now?
Ans: Premium numbers have been reserved Exchange wise across Pakistan. Neighbor number is very important in order to indentify the right exchange for the requesting customer to avoid ambiguity at our end.
13. Can Premium number be shifted to other exchange, if I change my geographical location?
Ans: No. In that case, you might not get the same number again.
14. My cordless set is faulty, how can I replace it?
Ans: You can take this set to specific PTCL One Stop Shop (OSS) as informed by the CSR during the Order taking time
15. Are there any special PSTN features which I get through this service?
Ans: There are no other special features except having a easy to remember Platinum/Golden Number.
1 comment:
Interesting.. I might try it.
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