Ufone Background music lets you play music and sound effects in the background of your call. You can play your favorite song in the background, or the sound of the beach, a market place and many more.
So stop making those boring calls and personalize your conversations by playing music that matches the mood in the background. Just activate this service on your Ufone, select the song you want and hear the music play during the call. And that’s not all. You can also select different music for different people and play special sounds during the conversation at the press of a button.
Once the service is activated on your Ufone you can dial 770 and either select different songs for different mobile numbers or you can select one single song for all mobile numbers.
How To Use Ufone Background Music Service:
By dialing 770, you can manage your Background Music account by adding, deleting or changing the songs.
An easy way to add music to a conversation is by adding the prefix 77 before dialing the required number.
Here is a short guide to Ufone Background Music (BGM) Service:
Ufone BGM service can be subscribed as follows:
• SMS SUB to 770
• Dial 770
You are subscribed and a default BGM tune is set against your number.
You can download content through following medium:
• Dial 770
• Log on to BGM Subscriber WEB Portal- click here
After selecting a content, you will be given the option to assign the selected content on your phone keys (1 - 9).
After first subscription, first three content (including default tune) will be downloaded for free.
Ufone Background Music Call Mechanics:
You have complete control over the music while it is playing. You can easily control the volume of the music and can end the music as and when you want! This is not all- you can also add sounds effects like a crying baby, car horn, marketplace, etc. Just read on below to know all about Ufone Background Music Service.
In order to initiate a BGM call, simply dial 77 followed by any number e.g 770333xxxxx , 77051xxxxx, 770300xxxxx
If you are not subscribed to BGM and want to initiate a BGM call by dialing 77 before the required number, call will not be initiated and you will be prompted to press 1 to subscribe the service.
A default BGM tune is set against the MSISDN.
After downloading content, other tunes and sound effects can then be assigned on keys 1 to 9.
Volume of BGM will be increased by pressing the ‘#’ key.
Volume of BGM will be decreased by pressing the ‘*’ key.
Pressing ‘0’ key will mute the Background Music during the call.
Pressing ‘0’ key will again activate the Background Music during the call.
If you are a BGM user and want to copy the BGM of other BGM user during the call, ‘*’ key will be pressed.
If B party is not a BGM subscriber and wants to copy A party’s (BGM subscriber) BGM tune, B party can press the ‘*’ key to copy the BGM tune. B party will also be subscribed and the copied tune will be set as his/ her BGM tune.
SMS Commands:
Following commands will be sent to 770:
To Subscribe SUB
To Unsubscribe UNSUB
For Help HELP
Content Download CONTENT ID
Subscription Charges (Postpaid) Rs. 15+Tax per Month
Call Charges to 770 IVR: Rs. 2+Tax per Minute
Content Download: Rs. 5+Tax per Download
BGM Tune Copy: Rs. 5+Tax per Copy
SMS to 770: Rs. 2+Tax/SMS
Call Charges with prefix 77: Rs. 1.30+Tax/Minute (Prepaid & Postpaid)
(Prefix based charging applies on all U to U, U to OMO and U to PTCL)
Terms and Conditions:
-Calls with prefix 77 will be charged on premium rate of Rs. 1.30 + Tax per minute regardless of user’s current call package.
-Service available for both Prepaid and Postpaid users.
-Service is not applicable for International calls.
-Service is not applicable for roamers.
-After using the service for a month, if you do not have the service subscription fee for next one month, you will be unsubscribed from the service and will have to subscribe again by dialing 770 or simply sending SUB to 770.
1 comment:
nice but it will be trouble sometimes
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