Monday, April 26, 2010

Slow Browsing expected from 24th April, 2010 due to repair work on sub-marine cable

Pin It Slow Browsing expected from 24th April, 2010

The international sub-marine cable consortium SEA-ME-WE-4, connecting Pakistan and other countries to the West, has announced that their submarine cable system suffered a fault near Italy on 14th April 2010. The Consortium has planned to carry out the repair operation of the faulty segment on priority and the cable repair ship has been mobilized for this purpose. During this repair work, western section of the cable system beyond Alexandria (Egypt) will remain out of service for some days starting 24th April, 2010.

PTCL is taking every step to reduce the impact of this outage on its customers through its alternate cable system SEA-ME-WE-3 and the eastern segment of SEA-ME-WE-4 which are in full working condition. However, despite all efforts, the valued customers may experience slow browsing and degraded internet services during this period. PTCL regrets the inconvenience faced by its valued customers in this regard.

1 comment:

A Sound Mind said...

Interesting article. I'm a little surprised that submarine cables are still so heavily used. I would've thought that with all the wireless technology that the wired systems would be obsolete.


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